Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Hyped Up, Fifty Shades of Grey by E. L. James

Opposing opinions vie for dominance in my head,  about this "dark" romance.  Yes, it is a racy, sexy  turn-on.  No, it is the depraved antithesis of an acceptable attitude about the act of love.  Both reactions are just what the author wants,  I am sure.  No, I don't want impressionable young girls to think the physical acts of a relationship are acceptable when it includes pain, flogging, hitting.  I rarely put a good book aside and quit for days at a time.  But by returning to the purposeful inflicting and receiving of pain, the author had me closing down.  Then I see and hear references to the book on TV and in the newspapers and think,  "Well, there must be more to it than I was getting and I should finish it."  Maybe not.  Stupid "ending."  An 8 out of 10.  If you decide to read it, don't forget I warned you.  Stuff in here I never knew about and didn't need to know. I have the next in the trilogy on reserve.