Sunday, November 1, 2015

The Invention of Wings by Sue Monk Kidd

     Sarah’s large family owns slaves around the mid 1800’s. The slaves are often mistreated and so is the girl, Sarah. Her parents are probably typical of the times, but she does not like the idea of owning slaves and certainly not the practice of the barbaric punishments meted out to them, especially after witnessing one whipping. The plot changes from Sarah’s life, to the slave she was “given,”  Hetty.  She teaches Hetty to read, a major no-no which causes drastic punishments for them both, although much later in the story, it is a plus for Hetty. There is always tension and bad times between Sarah and her mother. As an adult Sarah becomes active in the fight to end slavery and to allow women more rights. Hetty’s life drones on through many heart wrenching events but she and her mother always dream of freedom. Because this is an Oprah’s Book Club selection, I almost just sent it back to the library unread. The other books from her club have left me feeling like I was watching an overweight, three legged hamster try to make a lead weighted wheel turn for a century. This Oprah book was worth the reading.  Finally one I liked.  8 out of 10.

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